Legal notice

Site Editor: Marketing Digital Conseil

Company Name: The French Fragrance House

Legal Form: Limited Liability Company

Share Capital: €10,000

EU VAT Number: FR34983280439

SIRET: 98328043900016

Registered Office: 293 route de Grasse 06130 Grasse – FRANCE

Phone: +33 4 22 48 07 43


Website Host: OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France



Personal Data


If you contact us through the “Contact” section, The French Fragrance House may collect and process personal data about you to respond to your request. The recipients of the collected data are the services of The French Fragrance House, responsible for their processing, including, if necessary, its subcontractors and partners.

In accordance with personal data protection regulations, you have the right to access, rectify, limit, and delete your data.

To exercise your rights, please contact:

We invite you to consult the privacy policy describing The French Fragrance House’s policy on personal data protection by clicking here.


Intellectual Property


All elements constituting the website (texts, photographs, illustrations, logos, videos, etc.) are the exclusive property of The French Fragrance House or are used with permission. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, without prior written authorization, is strictly prohibited and would constitute an infringement.

Photo and Video Credits: © All rights reserved



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Modification of the Website and Terms of Use

We reserve the right to modify the website and these terms of use at any time. Such modifications will then be incorporated into these terms of use.

Copyright © 2024 - The French Fragrance House - Marketing Digital Conseil